Call to signup today: (336)-215-6220


**Make sure to check here frequently for the latest news from HNM!**



Hey you! Yeah you who actually wants to be in the know about HNM’s rockin’ happenings… Head over to our Upcoming Events page for some super sweet events coming up this year including Concerts, Summer Camps, and Casting call for our very first ever musical. You read that right…. We’re going BROADWAY… but of course HIGH VOLTAGE!!


Hey Parents! Love to see what your kids gain from lessons at HNM? Please go to our Google Maps page and drop a review! This helps us get more visibility from search results in the area! Click Reviews and write your comments to help boost our search results! We love hearing from our HNM family!



HNM is in desperate need of an auditorium for our performances.  As the last event and scramble to find a venue shows we need to be in ownership of facilities to help further our goals of delivering high quality performances for our students.  Please share our fundraiser with everyone you know!



  • Nicholas Casolino — 2nd Chair Tuba, All-County Band
